Our blog provides information about chest pain, digestive problems, and food allergies.
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Studies show that people who consume too much salt are more likely to develop acid reflux. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that salt causes acid reflux or heartburn. These people my eat such foods – like greasy foods, red meats, pizza, fast foods, etc. – that would trigger heartburn even without the salt.
Producing too much saliva is indeed one of the symptoms of acid reflux. A small increase in saliva production after eating is normal.
However if you feel you are producing too much saliva, especially if you experience heartburn or other typical reflux symptoms, acid reflux might be the cause.
Honey is a great natural acid reflux remedy for most people. However, its high sugar content makes heartburn worse for some.
Find out more about the various types of honey, which one is best for acid reflux and why honey might have unwanted side effects.
Stomach pain can have a wide variety of causes. It is usually not a serious medical condition, but sometimes it might require medical attention.
Read our article to find out more about the causes and treatments of stomach pain.
Ayurveda offers a lot of great home remedies that are easy to make and are very effective for most people in mitigating acid reflux symptoms.
Read our article to learn about some great home remedies that offer ease to most people suffering from reflux.
Some people experience chest discomfort after drinking coffee. Find out how caffeine is related to stomach, chest, and heart pain.
Dehydration, heart problems, and acid reflux are some of the most common ways alcohol consumption can cause chest pain. In most cases, the pain goes away after a while, but in some cases, alcohol-related chest pain can indicate a severe health problem.
Read our article to find out more about the problem.
There are some vegetables that among other benefits, help to control acid reflux symptoms. Make sure these are part of your daily diet to avoid or at least mitigate chest and stomach problems.
Read our blog post about the most common vegetables that help reduce stomach acid content.
While vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet, there are certain types of vegetables that are not recommended to people with acid reflux.
Find out what are the most common vegetables that tend to trigger reflux symptoms.
causes are lactose intolerance and milk allergy. However, acid reflux and gallbladder issues are also possible reasons.