
Our blog provides information about chest pain, digestive problems, and food allergies.

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  • Can meat cause chest pain after eating?

    Meat is high in fat and takes a lot of time to digest. Both of these can contribute to acid reflux symptoms for some people. Read our article to find out why and what to do if meat causes stomach pain for you.
  • Fruits to avoid with acid reflux 

    Even though many people like citrus fruits like orange or grapefruit, they are highly acidic and cause stomach problems for those who suffer from acid reflux. Pineapple is another popular fruit that might worsen reflux symptoms.

    Read our article to find out what are the most common fruits to avoid if you have reflux.

  • What fruits are good for acid reflux?


    There are a number of fruits that are great for people having acid reflux. These fruits are characterized by low acid and high fiber/water content.

    Read our article to find out what some of these fruits are and how they can help mitigate reflux symptoms.

  • Chest pain after eating pizza?

    Most pizzas are high in fat, salt, and sugar, but low in fibers, causing chest or stomach pain after eating.

  • Chest pain after eating chocolate?

    We all like chocolate, but for some people eating chocolate can be an unpleasant experience. Chest pain or excessive burping, coughing after eating chocolate might be a sign of acid reflux.

    If you are experiencing such symptoms, read our article to find out what causes these and how to mitigate them.

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