Fruits to avoid with acid reflux 

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Even though many people like citrus fruits like orange or grapefruit, they are highly acidic and cause stomach problems for those who suffer from acid reflux. Pineapple is another popular fruit that might worsen reflux symptoms.

Read our article to find out what are the most common fruits to avoid if you have reflux.

Chest pain after eating chocolate?

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We all like chocolate, but for some people eating chocolate can be an unpleasant experience. Chest pain or excessive burping, coughing after eating chocolate might be a sign of acid reflux.

If you are experiencing such symptoms, read our article to find out what causes these and how to mitigate them.

Back pain after eating

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Lower Back pain

Even though arthritis and muscle strains are the most common causes of back pain, sometimes eating can be the trigger. Eating-related back pain usually indicates an underlying problem in the digestive tract or inflammation, however, sometimes the origin might be cardiac. What causes back pain after eating? Our backs are often victims of referred pain, … Read more

Acid reflux diet


Acid reflux symptoms are often triggered by the foods you eat and the way you eat them.

Learn more about which foods can relieve symptoms and which foods are likely to aggravate them.